If we ask people to explain the toughest work in the kitchen, most of them would answer that cutting vegetables are the most difficult work in the kitchen compared to cleaning and washing. A lot of time and patience is required to cut vegetables. The time is sometimes longer than the cooking time. Keeping these difficulties in mind, a lot of companies started inventing new mechanism for cutting vegetables easily and few have become popular among all and few others have faced a failure. Does garlic come under this vegetable list? Does the new mechanism peel garlic too? The normal vegetable cutter available in the market does not work with peeling garlic. So what can be done to remove the garlic peels? People discovered few techniques themselves to remove the garlic peel and few other companies came up with innovative mechanism to remove the garlic peel. Did it prove to be the best way to get rid of garlic peel? What is the best garlic peeler available in the market that eases you work?
Can we skip garlic from being used in our cooking? Garlic has a lot of health benefits so it cannot be skipped in our food. Though it is difficult to peel, it should be used in cooking considering the health benefits it provides. To finish the work quickly and easily without any mess, people used to soak the garlic in water before peeling. The outer cover comes out easily when soaked in water but the actual quality and taste of the garlic is definitely lost in this method. Some of them just crush the garlic along with the outer skin and add it to the food. People started buying garlic peeler that can be rolled to remove the skin. It did not prove to be effective as it was also a time consuming task. You cannot put more number of cloves in the peeler and you have to do it one by one. In all these methods the quality of the garlic is definitely lost. So what is the best way to remove the outer skin of the garlic?
Garlic shaker is the best option when you want the taste and flavour of the garlic to be intact even after you remove the outer skin. All you want is to peel garlic, in considerably less time with the flavour not being lost. Put enough number of garlic cloves in the garlic shaker, shake them gently and you get the outer layer removed with ease. It is not messy and it is not time consuming as you can add more number of garlic cloves in a single shake. This proves to be one of the best garlic peeler compared with other methods that is in practice. The quality of garlic is never lost in this mechanism of removing the peel. Shaker is simple and easy than rolling or soaking or crushing. Save your time and do not skip garlic in your cooking.
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